Code of Conduct

Our guideline for legally compliant and ethically responsible behavior – both towards our business partners and within the company.


Brähler Systems GmbH and its entire workforce undertake to comply consistently with all applicable laws of the Federal Republic of Germany not to tolerate any form of corruption and obtain any orders or to take advantages through illegal payments, benefits and services to clients- and decision-makers. Our Code of Conduct complies with all regulations and routinely punishes any violations.

Employee rights

We respect the human rights of employees and maintain a spirit of partnership. We work with flat hierarchies and lean structures, think and act in a team-oriented manner and promote equal opportunities. We ensure equal treatment of our employees regardless of skin color, race, nationality, social background, disabilities, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, gender or age.

We respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual, are guided by collective bargaining agreements and do not let anyone work for us against his/her will.

We do not tolerate unacceptable treatment of employees, be it psychological cruelty, sexual harassment, any kind of discrimination or other misconduct. The same applies to misconduct such as gestures, language and physical contact that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.

We pay fair compensation, guarantee the applicable national legal minimum wage, and comply with the maximum number of working hours set forth in applicable laws.

We recognize the right of employees to freedom of association to the extent legally possible. There is no preferential treatment or discrimination of members of employee organizations or trade unions.

We outlaw child labor and do not employ workers under the age of 15.

Health and safety of employees

We take responsibility for the health and safety of our employees and take all suitable precautions in terms of construction, organization, and finances to ensure this in the best possible way.

We control all potential sources of danger and – as far as possible and reasonable – take the appropriate precautions against accidents and occupational diseases. To ensure that employees are adequately trained in health and occupational safety issues, we provide appropriate training where necessary.

Our quality management covers aspects of health and safety at work and applies the relevant quality criteria.

Environmental protection

We are committed to always act in accordance with the applicable legal and international standards on environmental protection. This voluntary commitment includes the use of appropriate measures to minimize the environmental impact as far as possible, to continuously improve environmental protection and to keep the company’s CO2 footprint as low as possible.

When using materials, paints and other materials, we make sure to preferably select those raw materials that have the best CO2 footprint and establish or apply an appropriate environmental management system.

Cooperation with suppliers & partners

The above obligations and measures also apply in our collaboration with suppliers and cooperation with our partners. We apply appropriate measures to promote compliance with this Code of Conduct – especially with regard to environmental protection throughout the entire supply chain. In the selection and treatment of suppliers, we adhere to the principles of non-discrimination and decide exclusively on the basis of a quality and price performance ratio.

We undertake to always act fairly and transparently towards our partners and suppliers, to comply with the contractual agreements and to keep from any actions that impair them.

Should a partner/supplier knowingly violate one or more of the above principles, we will insist on a change of behavior or terminate the cooperation in case of non-compliance.


We are looking forward to your message

Brähler Systems GmbH
Auf der Alten Burg 6
D-53639 Königswinter

+49 2244 8414-4

Brähler Systems GmbH
Auf der Alten Burg 6
D-53639 Königswinter

+49 2244 8414-4

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